Friday, February 10, 2023

Starting over.

Hello everyone!

As you can see, I am having to start the blog over from scratch. This was not my choice, as something happened with my Wordpress and I couldn’t troubleshoot or fix it. It started at the beginning of January, and it started that it wouldn’t allow me to post. When I tried to edit anything, it would give me a white screen and no matter what I did… it either made it worse or did nothing.

In the long run, this is probably for the best, because I have been wanting to reinvent this space to celebrate the current me, instead of the me from 2016 when I started this project.

Please forgive the mess - I am learning a new platform and over the next few weeks/few days, there will be some trial and error as I figure out how this one works and I configure it to what I want.

Here is to 2023 and a new start.




