Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Little earworm for everyone.

Lately, my life has been dominated by work and by doctor appointments. Seems to be never ending. Being a “geriatric” pregnancy (I hate that term), I get that I need to be monitored more closely, but there is a point where it crosses over into ridiculousness.

It is worth it though, because I did get to feel my baby kick today. It wasn’t as strong as I remember my daughter’s being, but considering that baby is still only 14 weeks, baby gets an A+ for effort. There’s no mistaking that that is what it was though, because I don’t think my stomach muscles have learned tap dance.

Work is going to be slow this week, because my boss is on the first of her two holidays this week (second is in August). It’s nice, because it’s giving me more energy to come up with my game plan for getting my house under control. Need to dust, vacuum, get things moved around so I can start airing out the spare room to get baby’s room started. The crib should be arriving on the 13th, which will be nice. I’ve promised my Charlie that he gets the honor of putting it together, because if I did it, it might catch fire and blow up. I’m really excited to get things started. In about six weeks, I get to find out if I’m having a boy or a girl, so I can start buying clothes and the crib bedding, nursery decorations, etc. I’m an eager beaver, so I am going to ask my boss if I can take Friday off to get a head start.

I have a feeling that I’m going to have a boy. My intuition is screaming at me that it’s a boy. Everyone else I talk to seems to think that it’s a boy too. Charlie is convinced. He’s quick to always follow it with “I don’t care either way,” but he’s convinced. Though my intuition is screaming that it’s a boy, I had the same feelings last time, and I ended up with my little girl. So who knows. There’s apparently a blood test I can take now that will tell me the gender, but LifeLabs wanted something like $795 for it and having to fork over that kind of money, or wait a few more weeks… I’ll wait, thanks. I can spend that money on my baby or my daughter.

I guess that’s all I have for now. Like I said… work, baby stuff. I should have something more interesting next time. I’m working on my first spellwork posts and some other things. I am also debating on renewing my hosting for this domain, or moving providers. I’ve given myself until the end of the month to decide, because my hosting for this comes up in August.

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